Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Remember remember the 5th of november.

Keep it moving.

They say...

" The election is over and we must begin turning our country around now, or the opportunity may not come again. By quickly organizing ourselves in each of the 435 congressional districts, over the next 100 days, we can make single-payer healthcare, a living wage, and a less militaristic society our long-term reality. We must do this because the founders of these United States gave us the power to do it. Please watch the video and sign up today."

November 5. 2008 from Tarek Milleron on Vimeo.

Weekend Autopsy.

Platea Professio

Street Art.

Moon Street.

Weekend Autopsy.

Graffiti, Not Banks.

There are only a few hours left to bid on a huge collection of street art, stencils and graffiti created at the Bristol Festival and Weapon of Choice events by internationally renowned artists.

Funds go to charity, Art goes to your house.

Grab yourself an investment or bargain in time for Christmas!

The works are all now listed on Ebay.

Weekend Autopsy.

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope.

CNN pull out all the stops for coverage of the election .

CNN Hologram TV First.

Weekend Autopsy.

He did it!

Weekend Autopsy.